Snowflake Obsidian is a type of Obsidian that gets its "flakes" from inclusions of the white mineral, Cristobalite. You can find this stone in North and South America, as well as Africa and Asia.
This is the perfect stone for balancing, purifying and grounding your mind, body and aura. The stone is known to activate the Root and 3rd Eye Chakras, which in turn has the ability to enhance psychic abilities, especially for past life recall.
Meditate with this stone to enhance visions of previous lives. The Crystal Council recommends meditating with petrified wood in conjunction with Snowflake Obsidian. As "both of these stones are some of the oldest stones we've ever worked with."
Snowflake Obsidian has the ability to keep us grounded and balanced as it helps connect us deeply to the Earth.

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